Baldwin Stables LLC
"The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit and freedom."
-Sharon Ralls Lemon

​Welcome to Baldwin Stables
Baldwin Stables is located on seven fenced in wooded acres, in the quiet Connecticut town of Deep River. Sporting an indoor arena, outdoor ring, and bordering Cockaponsett State Forest (with miles of trail access) our location is perfect for the riding enthusiast. Whether you are looking for a structured lesson in a ring or a leisurely walk through nature, we have it all.
In 2002, the dream of creating Baldwin Stables became a reality. Jack and Karen Baldwin purchased the facility and went to work renovating and improving the property. Today, we proudly provide our clients with a well maintained and groomed stable.
Building upon a foundation of comfort, safety, and accessibility comes a passionate commitment to the purebred arabian and half- arabian horse; as well as to the people who own and love them. Sportsmanship, community, competition, and education are the pillars on which Baldwin Stables was built and remains essential to its continued success.
Though the Arabian horse is our passion, all breeds are welcome for boarding and/or training. We currently have arabians, half-arabians, quarter horses, paints, and morgans to name a few.
We invite you to come and visit our facilility and enjoy the Baldwin experience for yourself!